#1230 Why do we yawn?

Why do we yawn? There is no single clear reason why we yawn because we yawn at many different times for many different reasons. Yawning is an involuntary response, in that it happens without us thinking about it and we cannot stop once we have started, just like sneezing. In a yawn, we gradually open

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#1227 How do trombones work?

How do trombones work? Trombones and all brass instruments use different methods, but they all make a variety of sounds by altering the length of the tube the air travels through. All wind instruments generally work on the same principle, although they have some major differences. The general idea is that you blow into one

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#1226 What is a hedge fund?

What is a hedge fund? A hedge fund is a pool of money invested by private individuals. Their money has more power together than they each would have individually. The expression “hedge” fund came about in 1949 and the word “hedge” was used to imply that the fund was hedged against risk. That means that

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#1224 What is a Ponzi scheme?

What is a Ponzi scheme? It is a type of fraud where you use money invested by new people to pay profits to the people who are already invested. It was named after Charles Ponzi who certainly didn’t invent the scheme but who made it famous. (Incidentally, Ponzi scheme, scam, and con are all relatively

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