Author name: Threeyzmonkeys

#54 Why can cats jump so high?

I learned this today. Cats can jump up to 6 times their length because of their powerful hind legs and their flexible joints and vertebrae. Cats can jump 6 times their length, approximately 180cm. It is obviously not fair to make a straight comparison, but a human would have to jump a little over 10m

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#49 Why are butlers called butlers?

I learned this today. Butlers started out as the person who was in charge of the alcoholic drinks for a household. The word “butler” came into English from the Anglo-Norman word “buteler”, which came from the Old Norman “butelier”. This in turn came from the French “botellier”. The French word came from the medieval Latin

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#47 What exactly is yogurt?

I learned this today. Yogurt is neither a simple liquid nor a solid, it is a non-Newtonian fluid-gel. A gel is a colloid, and a colloid is a substance that has microscopically dispersed insoluble particles suspended throughout another substance. A non-Newtonian fluid is a fluid that doesn’t follow Newton’s law of viscosity. This means viscosity

#47 What exactly is yogurt? Read More »

#46 Why was the teabag invented?

I learned this today. The teabag was a staggering invention in the world of tea drinking, but it was originally called the “tea leaf holder” and was invented to cut down on waste. Tea drinking began in China in about 2737 BC (according to legend). Teapots have been found in Chinese sites dating back to

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