Author name: Threeyzmonkeys

#16 Where do the plus, minus, multiplication, and division symbols come from?

I learned this today. The mathematical symbols + plus, – minus, x multiply, ÷ divide, and = equal are not as old as we think. Mathematics itself goes back a very long way. The idea of counting began with hunter-gatherer tribes. Presumably, they would have known how to talk about adding and subtracting parts of […]

#16 Where do the plus, minus, multiplication, and division symbols come from? Read More »

#15 How is food canned?

I learned this today. Canning preserves food by killing all of the bacteria present through heat and then keeping the food in a bacteria-free, airtight can. For food to rot, bacteria need water, oxygen, a neutral pH level, and a warm temperature. The different ways of preserving food each deal with one of these. Freezing

#15 How is food canned? Read More »

#12 How does alcohol make us drunk?

I learned this today. Alcohol gets people drunk because it is a depressant and slows down the speed at which the brain can send signals. Most alcoholic drinks contain ethanol which is produced when sugars are fermented. It naturally occurs in nature. Humans have drunk alcoholic drinks for thousands of years. They probably started by

#12 How does alcohol make us drunk? Read More »

#10 What causes seasickness?

I learned this today. Seasickness is caused because of a discrepancy between the vestibular system and the eyes. Just inside your head, you have your inner ear which is used for sound detection and for balance. The balance part is what causes seasickness. There are two parts: the cochlea and the vestibular system. The cochlea

#10 What causes seasickness? Read More »