Author name: Threeyzmonkeys

#1085 What is the fastest insect?

What is the fastest insect? The fastest flying insect is the dragonfly and the fastest running insect is the Australian tiger beetle. The Australian tiger beetle is the fastest insect on land. It can run at 2.5 m per second, which works out to 9 km/h. That doesn’t sound terribly fast and most of us

#1085 What is the fastest insect? Read More »

#1082 Why doesn’t honey spoil?

Why doesn’t honey spoil?  Honey doesn’t spoil because it has almost no water in it, because it is a little acidic, and because it has antimicrobial compounds in it. When food spoils, it is usually because microbes like bacteria or fungi start to feed on it. The only goal bacteria have is to reproduce themselves

#1082 Why doesn’t honey spoil? Read More »

#1079 What is the difference between volts, amps, ohms, and watts?

What is the difference between volts, amps, ohms, and watts? Volts measure the difference in electrical force between two points. Amps measure the flow of electricity. Ohms measure the resistance of the material. Watts measure electrical power. The volt is named after Alessandro Volta, who built the first electric battery. Volta lived from 1745 to

#1079 What is the difference between volts, amps, ohms, and watts? Read More »

#1078 What are gallstones?

What are gallstones? They are hardened deposits of bile that can form in the gallbladder and cause problems. We need to start by looking at what the gallbladder is and what it does. The gallbladder is quite small and it is located just under the liver, at the bottom of the stomach. It is about

#1078 What are gallstones? Read More »