Author name: Threeyzmonkeys

#1056 What causes the monsoon?

What causes the monsoon? The monsoons are caused by a wind change between the seasons. When we picture a monsoon, many of us think of the monsoon season that comes to India every year, but India isn’t the only country to get a monsoon. Monsoons occur across most of Southern Asia and Northern Australia. Across

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#1055 Why do we get diarrhea?

Why do we get diarrhea? We get diarrhea because the body is trying to rid itself of some kind of infection, usually bacterial, viral, or parasitic. Diarrhea is a sign that the body is sick and is trying to fix itself. Diarrhea can also be caused by other illnesses or e, but infections are the

#1055 Why do we get diarrhea? Read More »

#1054 Why does entropy happen?

Why does entropy happen? Entropy happens because there are vastly more ways a system can be in disorder than it can be in order. Entropy is explained in the second law of thermodynamics. It says that the state of entropy of an isolated system will always increase over time. It has been rewritten since it

#1054 Why does entropy happen? Read More »

#1053 When did exams start?

When did exams start? Exams started in China in 605 AD. Modern schools, universities, and other educational institutions have complex systems of examinations. The purpose of them is to rank students, decide if people pass or fail, see if schools are teaching successfully, see if students are learning successfully, and many other reasons. There are

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