Author name: Threeyzmonkeys

#1197 What is a lava cricket?

What is a lava cricket? Lava crickets are a species of cricket that appear on freshly cooled lava and don’t seem to live anywhere else. Not a lot is known about them. The Latin name for the lava cricket is Caconemobius fori. They are also called lava crickets, dark lava cricket, or ‘ūhini nēnē pele […]

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#1194 What is the IoT?

What is the IoT? The IoT is the Internet of Things, and it refers to all of the physical objects that are connected to the Internet. The term Internet of Things was coined in 1999 by a computer scientist called Kevin Ashton. He had been tasked by Proctor & Gamble to come up with a

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#1190 How does Wi-Fi work?

How does Wi-Fi work? Wi-Fi transmits information from a router to your device and vice versa using radio waves, which is why you can use it without a cable. I always thought Wi-Fi stood for “wireless fiber”, but apparently, it doesn’t actually stand for anything, and is just a brand name. The technology behind Wi-Fi

#1190 How does Wi-Fi work? Read More »