Author name: Threeyzmonkeys

#1165 Why do people procrastinate?

Why do people procrastinate? The majority of people that procrastinate do so because they are trying to avoid the negative emotions that come with whatever task it is they are trying to do. The word “procrastinate” came into English via French, from Latin. The latin word was “procrastinare”.  In Latin, “pro” means “forward” and “crastinus”

#1165 Why do people procrastinate? Read More »

#1164 What is a salt road?

What is a salt road? A salt road is a road that was used in ancient times to transport salt from where it was produced to where it was needed. We don’t think about salt so much these days. Maybe if our meal is a bit bland we might reach for the salt cellar and

#1164 What is a salt road? Read More »

#1163 What is a tadpole shrimp?

What is a tadpole shrimp? It is a species of crustacean and is actually one of the oldest known animal species. It is called a living fossil because it is so old. The Latin name for the tadpole shrimp is Notostraca, and their genus is triops, which means three eyes because they have two compound

#1163 What is a tadpole shrimp? Read More »

#1162 Why is the AK-47 so good?

Why is the AK-47 so good? AK-47s are so good because they are easy to use, cheap to make, reliable, and they can function in extremely harsh conditions. The AK-47 is the most popular gun ever made. The AK-47 was designed in 1945, finalized in 1947 (hence its name), and went into production in 1948.

#1162 Why is the AK-47 so good? Read More »

#1161 Does the placebo effect work?

Does the placebo effect work? The placebo effect works for things that are directly affected by the brain, but not for actual illnesses. Nobody understands exactly the mechanism behind the placebo effect, but there are some pretty good theories. The word “placebo” comes from Latin, and its origins give a clue to what it does.

#1161 Does the placebo effect work? Read More »