
#414 Why do fish have scales?

Why do fish have scales? For protection, for camouflage, and to help them swim faster. There are four basic types of fish scale, but there are many subdivisions within each category. These are the main ones: Placoid scales. They are found on fish such as sharks and manta rays. They are very similar to teeth,

#414 Why do fish have scales? Read More »

#405 Do ants need to sleep?

Do ants need to sleep? Ants do actually sleep, but not all at once. There are very few living organisms that don’t need to sleep. However, they all do it in different ways and there are many different definitions of what sleep is. Bacteria don’t sleep. Although they are tied to a circadian rhythm and

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#395 Why are rabbit ears so long?

Why are rabbit ears so long? A rabbit has big ears to cool itself down, not just to hear predators. Rabbits are herbivores and are obviously preyed upon by various other animals. Their large ears can swivel independently and can pick up sounds from up to 3km away. They can turn each ear 270 degrees,

#395 Why are rabbit ears so long? Read More »

#385 Why do mosquito bites itch?

Why do mosquito bites itch? Mosquito and insect bites itch because the immune response is triggered after the mosquito finishes biting. There are over 110 trillion mosquitoes from 3,000 different species around the world. I have no idea how they managed to calculate the number of actual mosquitoes. The word “mosquito” comes from Spanish where

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