
#61 How do antlers grow?

I learned this today. Antlers are made of bone and can grow up to 1 inch (2.5cm) a day. Antlers are grown by the males (mostly) of the deer family. Deer are hoofed ruminants that have two large and two small hooves on each foot. There are 43 different species of deer. The smallest species […]

#61 How do antlers grow? Read More »

#60 Why do birds migrate?

I learned this today. Birds migrate because of declining food sources and not because of the temperature drop over winter. Birds migrate along a north south channel. They generally use a route that gives them the most opportunities for rest and food on the way. Their paths are usually dictated by natural landmarks like mountains

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#54 Why can cats jump so high?

I learned this today. Cats can jump up to 6 times their length because of their powerful hind legs and their flexible joints and vertebrae. Cats can jump 6 times their length, approximately 180cm. It is obviously not fair to make a straight comparison, but a human would have to jump a little over 10m

#54 Why can cats jump so high? Read More »

#20 Do cats blink?

I learned this today. Cats appear never to blink, but they actually blink with a third eyelid, a nictitating membrane, which is difficult for us to see. Most animals that have eyes blink. Insects with compound eyes can’t blink, and fish, snakes, ghekos, slinks, and some lizards don’t need to blink. Apart from these, blinking

#20 Do cats blink? Read More »

#17 What happens when animals hibernate? Is it the same as sleeping?

I learned this today. Hibernation is not the same as sleeping. Animals sometimes have to come out of hibernation to be able to sleep. Hibernation is basically an energy-saving technique. During the winter, the temperature obviously drops, which means that endothermic animals (animals that generate their own heat internally) need more energy to keep themselves

#17 What happens when animals hibernate? Is it the same as sleeping? Read More »