
#1047 What are tails for?

What are tails for? Animals have tails for several different reasons. They use them for balance, to grip things, for motion, as weapons, to lose heat, to communicate, and to keep flies off. The majority of mammals, birds, and reptiles have tails, but not all do. Some insects have tails as well. Out of the […]

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#1043 Why are flamingos pink?

Why are flamingos pink? Flamingos are pink because of all the carotenoids that they eat. Flamingos are famous for sleeping on one leg while standing up, for eating upside down, and for being a brilliant shade of pink. However, when they are born, they are a slightly off-white color. They take on their pink color

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#1041 Why do snails have teeth?

Why do snails have teeth? They use their teeth to scrape away pieces of food. Snails are not the only gastropods that have teeth. Slugs basically evolved from snails and they have teeth as well. Both slugs and snails have thousands of microscopic teeth. Depending on the size of the snail, they can have over

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