
#1017 How do rats find landmines?

How do rats find landmines? They can sniff them out and the rats are light enough that they don’t set the landmines off. It is estimated that there are 110 million landmines still buried around the world. These landmines are still active and they are buried in over 60 countries. Explosives do deteriorate with age,

#1017 How do rats find landmines? Read More »

#1005 Do bulls really hate red?

Do bulls really hate red? No, they don’t. It is the movement that they don’t like. The fact that bulls hate red has become common knowledge. It is even in sayings, such as, “like a red rag to a bull” meaning a trigger to anger someone, and “seeing red”, meaning in such a blind rage

#1005 Do bulls really hate red? Read More »

#1003 What is a bookworm?

What is a bookworm? A bookworm is any number of insects, or the larvae of insects, that eat books. They are not actually worms. Why would an insect eat a book? What food is there in a book? Some insects don’t actually eat the books, but fungi and mold that grow on the pages of

#1003 What is a bookworm? Read More »