
#951 Do piranhas eat meat?

Do piranhas eat meat? They do, but not very often and they are not the carnivores that we have been led to believe. Many people fear piranhas and they have been used in movies as a plot device. In the James Bond movie, You Only Live Twice, one of the characters was fed to piranhas, […]

#951 Do piranhas eat meat? Read More »

#946 How high can birds fly?

How high can birds fly? A Ruppell’s vulture was hit by a plane at 11,300 meters. The bird was identified by the feathers after the plane landed. There may be other birds that have flown higher, but they have not been encountered, so this is probably the record. There are three things that dictate the

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#943 How is silk made?

How is silk made? It is made from the cocoon of the silkworm. Silk is a natural material that has been around for over 5 thousand years. Silk was first made by the Yangshao culture in China in the 4th millennium BC. One legend has it that an Empress was drinking tea and a silkworm

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#919 How do birds land?

How do birds land? It depends on the size of the bird and whether it is a landing on land, a branch, or water. Generally, they lose as much speed as possible and grab on. The physics behind the way birds fly is the same as for airplanes. Anything that flies needs lift and thrust,

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#896 How big was a Megalodon?

How big was a Megalodon? The largest ones could have been 20 meters long. Megalodon was a species of giant mackerel shark. Mackerel sharks have two dorsal fins, an anal fin, five gill slits, eyes without nictitating membranes, and a mouth that extends behind the eyes. Great white sharks are in this family. Megalodons lived

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