
#842 Is a killer whale a whale?

Is a killer whale a whale? Yes and no. Yes, because dolphins are technically whales. No, because a killer whale is a dolphin. They are called orcas, although they are more commonly known as killer whales. A killer whale is called a whale because of its size, but it is actually a dolphin. The orca […]

#842 Is a killer whale a whale? Read More »

#809 What do worms do?

What do worms do? They break down organic matter in the soil and release the nutrients in their waste. Earthworms may all look the same to us, but there are 7,000 different species of them across the world. 150 of those species are the ones we commonly see. There are far more worms in the

#809 What do worms do? Read More »

#802 Do cows only eat grass?

Do cows only eat grass? Wild cows and cows that graze on pasture eat a lot of grass, but they also eat other plants as well. Cows that are kept in dairy farms are often fed a lot of grain and soy. There are not many wild cows in the world. In most developed countries,

#802 Do cows only eat grass? Read More »

#792 Why do beavers build dams?

Why do beavers build dams? To make a deep pond that they can live in. Beavers are rodents and they are the second largest rodents in the world. Only the capybara is bigger. However, unlike most other rodents, beavers are herbivores. They mainly eat tree bark, water plants, and grasses. Because they are mammals and

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