
#904 Why do we hiccup?

Why do we hiccup? Hiccups are caused by muscular twitches in the diaphragm. The diaphragm is the muscle that we use to breathe. It is a dome shaped muscle that is below the lungs. It is connected to the sternum at the front, the bottom of the rib cage and the spine, to make a

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#903 Why does hair turn white?

Why does hair turn white? The pigment cells in the hair follicles die. Our hair is colored by melanin that is produced by the pigment cells in each hair follicle. Melanin is what colors our skin as well. Melanin is produced in cells called melanocytes and different quantities or types of melanin can alter the

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#896 How big was a Megalodon?

How big was a Megalodon? The largest ones could have been 20 meters long. Megalodon was a species of giant mackerel shark. Mackerel sharks have two dorsal fins, an anal fin, five gill slits, eyes without nictitating membranes, and a mouth that extends behind the eyes. Great white sharks are in this family. Megalodons lived

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