
#871 How do animals find water?

How do animals find water? They have many methods. Some animals can smell or sense water. Some animals get their water through eating plants. Some animals have evolved to need less water or to store water. Some animals can drink water that we couldn’t. Many animals instinctively know what signs to look for to find

#871 How do animals find water? Read More »

#864 What causes the bends?

What causes the bends? It is caused by the rapid release of nitrogen gas from the bloodstream. You don’t have any risk of the bends if you don’t go very deep. The bends becomes a risk if you dive any deeper than about 9 meters. It is caused because of the water pressure and because

#864 What causes the bends? Read More »

#859 Maurice Hilleman – microbiologist specializing in vaccinology.

During his career, Maurice Hilleman developed over 40 vaccinations. It is thought that his vaccinations save over 8 million lives every year. However, he was not interested in making a name for himself, only that his vaccines helped people. For this reason, despite having received his vaccines, very few people have ever heard of him.

#859 Maurice Hilleman – microbiologist specializing in vaccinology. Read More »