
#714 How are memories stored?

How are memories stored? The brain stores them by altering the connections between neurons. The brains of all organisms that have them are made up of neurons, in different amounts. Our brain has approximately 100 billion of them. A neuron is a nerve cell and it is made up of three parts. In the middle […]

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#712 What is a jungle?

What is a jungle? It is generally an area of dense forest in a tropical climate. Many people think a rainforest is a jungle but they are different because a rainforest is a specific ecosystem, and a jungle is a description of an overgrown and tangled forest. The word “jungle” has come into English from

#712 What is a jungle? Read More »

#703 Is a starfish a fish?

Is a starfish a fish? No, starfish are not fish. Fish are vertebrate animals that live in the sea, have gills to breathe through, have a two chambered heart, are cold blooded, and have a brain and central nervous system. Starfish live in the sea, but that is where the similarity stops. These days, many

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#698 What is a nerve?

What is a nerve? They are bundles of nerve fibers called axons that connect neurons. They look like cables. Their job is to transmit electrical impulses. All animals have nerves. They are the only way that living organisms can send signals from their brain to their muscles or parts of their bodies. The only animals

#698 What is a nerve? Read More »

#694 Are symbiotic relationships always beneficial to both parties?

Are symbiotic relationships always beneficial to both parties? No, they aren’t. There are mutualistic, commensalistic, and parasitic symbiotic relationships. The word symbiosis means “a close, prolonged association between two or more different biological species”. It originates with the Greek word symbiosis and means living together. We tend to think that a symbiotic relationship is beneficial

#694 Are symbiotic relationships always beneficial to both parties? Read More »

#689 How do steroids work?

How do steroids work? They stimulate the production of protein in the muscles and make more cells grow. However, there are many different types of steroids. When people talk about steroids, they are usually referring to anabolic steroids, which are the ones that bodybuilders use. Steroids are found in many living organisms, and they are

#689 How do steroids work? Read More »

#688 Why can fish swim so fast?

Why can fish swim so fast? They move their bodies from side to side in such a way that they produce a backwards moving wave in their bodies, which pushes against the water, producing thrust. Also, they are very streamlined. First, we should clear up the fact that all fish are fast. There are some

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