
#674 Are ants smart?

Are ants smart? They are not smart in the way that we are, but they have been observed using tools and performing tasks that would show they have some intelligence. The size of an animal’s brain is not necessarily an indicator of how smart it is. If we just look at the largest brain, it

#674 Are ants smart? Read More »

#664 What causes a stroke?

What causes a stroke? There are different types of strokes, but the most common is an ischemic stroke and it is caused by a blockage in one of the blood vessels in the brain. The brain has a huge oxygen requirement. It is only 2% of your bodyweight, but it uses 15 to 20% of

#664 What causes a stroke? Read More »

#662 Why do ducks float?

Too busy to read? Watch on YouTube Why do ducks float? They float because of their center of gravity, their hollow bones, the air in their feathers and air sacs, and the oil on their feathers. Whether or not something floats has to do with the object’s density and the buoyancy of water. Water has

#662 Why do ducks float? Read More »

#657 How do facial expressions work?

Watch on YouTube How do facial expressions work? There are 20 muscles in the face that can be moved in different combinations. There are two kinds of facial expressions: voluntary and involuntary. A lot of study has gone into reading facial expressions and there are many theories about whether they reveal inner thinking or not.

#657 How do facial expressions work? Read More »