
#1147 What is vegetable oil?

What is vegetable oil? Most vegetable oil is oil extracted from the seeds of plants, and sometimes from the plants themselves. Vegetable oil is an accurate name for the product in that the oil comes from plants, but they are not all technically vegetables. The name was chosen partly because the word “vegetable” conjures up

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#1142 Who was Typhoid Mary?

Who was Typhoid Mary? She was a chef in the late 19th and early 20th centuries who was a carrier of typhoid and responsible for the deaths of several people. Someone who spreads diseases is often referred to as a “Typhoid Mary”, but many people probably don’t realize that Typhoid Mary was actually a real

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#1141 What causes a peanut allergy?

What causes a peanut allergy? A peanut allergy happens because the immune system attacks the proteins that are present in the peanuts. Peanut allergies are surprisingly common. It is estimated that roughly 2% of people have a peanut allergy. The reaction can range from mild to life-threatening, depending on the person. Many people in the

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#1134 What happened to the dodo?

What happened to the dodo? The dodo went extinct in 1662 because of hunting and the introduction of invasive species. We all know the saying, “as dead as a dodo,” but where does it come from? Well, interestingly, “dead as a dodo” doesn’t appear until 1904 and is probably an adaption of “dead as a

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#1129 What is snuff?

What is snuff? Snuff is a form of powdered tobacco that you can inhale, giving you a quick nicotine hit. Snuff has been around for a long time. Native people living in the area that is now Brazil used powdered tobacco leaves as snuff. They ground the leaves using a rosewood pestle and mortar, which

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