
#579 How do pythons kill their prey?

How do pythons kill their prey? They squeeze their prey to constrict blood flow before consuming the prey whole. Before we start, pythons are not boa constrictors. I always thought they were the same thing, but they aren’t. Pythons are longer than boa constrictors and they come from different areas. Boa constrictors are found in […]

#579 How do pythons kill their prey? Read More »

#571 What is the difference between carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores?

What is the difference between carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores? Amongst other things, they have differences in their teeth, mouths, eyes, saliva, intestines and their stomachs. Herbivores obviously live off plants. They are known as primary consumers because they eat the energy that the plants have produced through photosynthesis and introduce it into the food chain.

#571 What is the difference between carnivores, herbivores, and omnivores? Read More »

#554 What is a sponge?

What is a sponge? Sponges are animals that have a very porous skeleton and live in the sea. When we talk about sponges, we are talking about the organisms and not the sponges we use to wash. Although, the one is based on the other. There is a big trade in diving for and selling

#554 What is a sponge? Read More »