
#522 Why can’t we fix frostbite?

Why can’t we fix frostbite? If the frostbite is bad enough, the blood supply to the tissue will be cut off and it will die, possibly causing gangrene. Frostbite can form in any temperatures below -0.55 °C because that is low enough for water to freeze. However, in mild temperatures such as that, frostbite is

#522 Why can’t we fix frostbite? Read More »

#504 What cause rigor mortis?

What causes rigor mortis? Rigor mortis is caused by the muscles in the body being unable to contract. Rigor mortis is Latin. Rigor means “stiff” and mortis means “death”. It happens because of the way that we extend and contract our muscles. If you want to reach out and pick up a cup of coffee,

#504 What cause rigor mortis? Read More »