
#476 Why is hypothermia dangerous?

Why is hypothermia dangerous? It is dangerous because it is a fatal condition. Hypothermia is often confused with hyperthermia. Hypothermia is when the human body temperature drops below 35 °C and hyperthermia is when the body temperature is above 37.5 °C. “Hypo” comes from Greek and means “under”. “Hyper” also comes from Greek and means

#476 Why is hypothermia dangerous? Read More »

#475 How does aspirin work?

How does aspirin work? Aspirin works by stopping an enzyme called cyclooxygenase. When our tissue or organs are damaged or infected, they produce prostaglandins. These are fatty acids that act like hormones. Prostaglandins do many different jobs in the body. They are similar to hormones but they are not hormones. Hormones are produced in glands,

#475 How does aspirin work? Read More »

#468 What is cotton?

What is cotton? Cotton is a fiber that grows around the seeds of the cotton plant. About 27 million tons of cotton is produced every year. India is the largest producer, with 6.1 million tons, and it is followed by China, the USA, Brazil, and Pakistan, in that order. A standard t-shirt requires approximately 226

#468 What is cotton? Read More »

#458 What causes pins and needles?

What causes pins and needles? Pins and needles are caused because the flow of blood to your nerves is restored. Pins and needles are really called paresthesia. The word comes from the Greek para, which means “abnormal” and aesthesia, which means “sensation”. They come after one of your limbs has fallen asleep, which is actually

#458 What causes pins and needles? Read More »

#455 Why do we have goosebumps?

Why do we get goosebumps? Goosebumps are a reaction left over from when humans used to have a thick coat of fur. I’m sure you have all experienced goosebumps at some time in your life. It is when bumps appear on your arm that resemble plucked goose skin. In fact, the medical term is cutis

#455 Why do we have goosebumps? Read More »