
#362 Why can we eat lettuce and spinach, but we can’t eat leaves and grass?

Why can we eat lettuce and spinach, but we can’t eat leaves and grass? We can’t eat leaves and grass because of the cellulose and silica they contain. There are several different ways of getting energy. Plants photosynthesize and make energy, which they store in their cells. Herbivores eat the plants to get the energy

#362 Why can we eat lettuce and spinach, but we can’t eat leaves and grass? Read More »

#352 How do reflexes work?

How do reflexes work? They work by using a reflex arc that bypasses the brain. There are many different types of reflex, but they are generally meant to protect us and to allow us to move around without having to think about everything. Our brains have a limited amount of processing space and if we

#352 How do reflexes work? Read More »

#345 What causes brain damage?

What causes brain damage? There are several things that cause brain damage. These can be traumatic injury, poison, stroke, tumor, or lack of oxygen. The brain weighs about 1.5 kg on average and contains over 100 billion nerve cells. It uses 20% of the body’s energy, which is more than any other organ. Obviously, without

#345 What causes brain damage? Read More »

#337 Why is PM 2.5 dangerous?

Why is PM 2.5 dangerous? They are particles that are too small for our nose to catch. PM stands for Particle Matter and they are microscopic solid or liquid particles that are small enough and light enough to be suspended in the air. There are many sources of these particles. In some countries, one of

#337 Why is PM 2.5 dangerous? Read More »