
#17 What happens when animals hibernate? Is it the same as sleeping?

I learned this today. Hibernation is not the same as sleeping. Animals sometimes have to come out of hibernation to be able to sleep. Hibernation is basically an energy-saving technique. During the winter, the temperature obviously drops, which means that endothermic animals (animals that generate their own heat internally) need more energy to keep themselves

#17 What happens when animals hibernate? Is it the same as sleeping? Read More »

#10 What causes seasickness?

I learned this today. Seasickness is caused because of a discrepancy between the vestibular system and the eyes. Just inside your head, you have your inner ear which is used for sound detection and for balance. The balance part is what causes seasickness. There are two parts: the cochlea and the vestibular system. The cochlea

#10 What causes seasickness? Read More »