
#927 Why are prunes a laxative?

Why are prunes a laxative? They contain a lot of two different types of fiber, sorbitol, and polyphenols. What is a prune? Prunes are dried plums, although not all plums can become prunes. Plums also have laxative properties, but they are not as effective as prunes. In America, in 2001, some prune producing companies petitioned […]

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#858 Is palm oil bad?

Is palm oil bad? It depends. It is bad in terms of health and environmental costs, but it is good because it has more oil than other crops and provides an income for people who would otherwise be living in poverty. What is palm oil? It is made from the fruit of the African oil

#858 Is palm oil bad? Read More »

#813 What is tea?

What is tea? It is a drink made from pouring hot water over tea leaves, which come from the camellia sinensis shrub. There are many different kinds of tea available today, but most of them are not technically “tea”. It is a commonly held belief that a “tea” is a drink made from pouring hot

#813 What is tea? Read More »