
#312 What is virgin olive oil?

It is olive oil that is made cold-pressed, without heat or chemicals. Olive oil has been used for thousands of years. Olives grow naturally around the Mediterranean and they were picked and eaten by Neolithic people about 6,000 years ago. Olives appeared in Asia Minor, which is where Turkey is today. The olive tree was

#312 What is virgin olive oil? Read More »

#291 Is irradiated food safe?

Is irradiated food safe? Irradiating food kills off all of the bacteria, gives the food a fresher taste than other preservation methods, and doesn’t make the food radioactive. Ionizing radiation was discovered in 1895. Wilhelm Röntgen discovered that rays coming off a vacuum tube could penetrate a screen and react with a barium solution. He

#291 Is irradiated food safe? Read More »

#277 When was instant coffee invented?

I learned this today. Instant coffee was technically invented in 1771, but this wasn’t really instant. Instant coffee that we would recognize today was invented in 1890. These days, instant coffee is coffee that has either been freeze-dried or spray dried. The two methods differ slightly, and freeze-drying is more expensive. When coffee is freeze-dried,

#277 When was instant coffee invented? Read More »

#262 What is hardtack?

I learned this today. Hardtack is a dense biscuit made from flour, water, and sometimes salt. It was sometimes called “ship’s biscuit” because it was a staple on long voyages. The word “hardtack” comes from the British sailor slang for food, “tack”. It was called “hardtack” because it was extremely hard. Hardtack is a very

#262 What is hardtack? Read More »

#161 What is a nut?

I learned this today. A nut is a hard-shelled pod that contains the fruit and a seed. The difference between a nut and a seed is the hard outer shell. A seed is an embryonic plant. It contains protein, vitamin B, minerals, fat, and dietary fiber. These are all of the things that the seed

#161 What is a nut? Read More »