
#121 When did people start making jam?

I learned this today. Fruits have been preserved as jams since at least before the ancient Greeks. Since the Paleolithic period, people have been preserving foods in different ways. Drying was the easiest way and probably the first form of preservation. Chilling would have been possible in cold climates, but not all year round. People […]

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#92 Why do bees make honey?

I learned this today. Bees make honey as a way to store food through the winter. Flowers cannot move, so they need insects to help them reproduce. To pollinate another flower, the pollen from one flower has to reach another flower. The best way for flowers to do this is to have the pollen stick

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#47 What exactly is yogurt?

I learned this today. Yogurt is neither a simple liquid nor a solid, it is a non-Newtonian fluid-gel. A gel is a colloid, and a colloid is a substance that has microscopically dispersed insoluble particles suspended throughout another substance. A non-Newtonian fluid is a fluid that doesn’t follow Newton’s law of viscosity. This means viscosity

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#15 How is food canned?

I learned this today. Canning preserves food by killing all of the bacteria present through heat and then keeping the food in a bacteria-free, airtight can. For food to rot, bacteria need water, oxygen, a neutral pH level, and a warm temperature. The different ways of preserving food each deal with one of these. Freezing

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#1 Who invented sliced bread?

I learned this today. We say, “the best thing since sliced bread”, but sliced bread has only been around since 1928. Humans have been eating bread for thousands of years. 30,000-year-old starch residue has been found on rocks used for pounding plants. Early humans could have spread the starch on a flat rock and cooked

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