
#339 Why do we say boycott?

Why do we say boycott? The word comes from a British land agent who lived in Ireland. His name was Captain Charles Cunningham Boycott. He was born in England in 1832. He joined the army when his family paid for his commission in 1850. He was not able to join on the strength of his

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#331 What is the opposite of white?

What is the opposite of white? Either black or transparent. Let’s look at what colors are, what white is, and what black and transparent are. Colors appear when an object reflects a certain wavelength of light. Light is energy that is flying through space, called electromagnetic radiation. There are many different types of light and

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#317 How does crop rotation work?

How does crop rotation work? By alternating crops to give the soil a rest and to replace nutrients that are removed. People transitioned from a hunter-gatherer culture to an agricultural culture in about 12000 BC. First, they domesticated animals. This happened in different places on Earth within a few thousand years. In about 9500 BC,

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#299 How does a photocopier work?

How does a photocopier work? They work because light carries energy and opposite electric charges attract. The first principle that the photocopier relies on is that light carries energy. Light is a little difficult to understand. According to Einstein, anything that travels at the speed of light cannot have any mass. If something has mass

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