
#1003 What is a bookworm?

What is a bookworm? A bookworm is any number of insects, or the larvae of insects, that eat books. They are not actually worms. Why would an insect eat a book? What food is there in a book? Some insects don’t actually eat the books, but fungi and mold that grow on the pages of […]

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#994 How does braille work?

How does braille work? It is a system of writing where you can feel the dots that make up letters and read with your fingers. It is for people who are blind or visually impaired. It is estimated that there are 43 million blind people and a further 295 million people with moderate to severe

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#961 How does a telescope work?

How does a telescope work? They used to use lenses, but modern telescopes use mirrors. The first telescopes used lenses in the same way that a camera or a magnifying glass does. The first telescope was made by Hans Lipperhey, a German-Dutch spectacle maker. He used lenses to make glasses and he knew that concave

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