
#936 How deep is the desert?

How deep is the desert? Depending on the desert, the sand is between 1 m and 43 m deep. Although, if you count to the top of the largest sand dunes, they could be several hundred meters deep. Also, if we are talking about deserts and not just sandy deserts, the ice on Antarctica is […]

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#851 What is St. Elmo’s fire?

What is St. Elmo’s fire? It is a glowing region that appears around tall structures, the masts of old ships, or the wings of aircraft. It is a plasma made by a corona discharge from the structure. St. Elmo’s fire looks like a blue or violet fire that has engulfed the tip of whatever structure

#851 What is St. Elmo’s fire? Read More »

#838 Why is there such a difference between Haiti and the Dominican Republic?

Why is there such a difference between Haiti and the Dominican Republic? There are several reasons. Some of them are the climate, their history, their languages, their population densities, and their governments. Haiti and the Dominican Republic are both on the island of Hispaniola, which is an island between Puerto Rico, Jamaica and Cuba. It

#838 Why is there such a difference between Haiti and the Dominican Republic? Read More »

#766 How thick is the atmosphere?

How thick is the atmosphere? The atmosphere is generally considered to be 10,000 km thick. Our atmosphere is made up of gas. It is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and one percent other gases. Those other gases are argon, carbon dioxide, helium, neon, methane, krypton, and hydrogen. There is water vapor as well, which is a

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