
#494 What causes a tsunami?

What causes a tsunami? A very large and very sudden displacement of the ocean. A tsunami is a series of waves that are caused by a huge amount of water in the ocean suddenly being moved. It is different to a regular wave because the wave goes deep into the ocean. The word tsunami is

#494 What causes a tsunami? Read More »

#489 How do glaciers move?

How do glaciers move? Glaciers move because they are pulled downhill by gravity. A glacier is a river of ice that is flowing downhill. A river is a body of water that flows from a high elevation to a low elevation, usually ending in the sea or a lake, under the force of gravity. A

#489 How do glaciers move? Read More »

#461 Why is there a sunken continent underneath New Zealand?

Why is there a sunken continent underneath New Zealand? There is an almost completely submerged continent called Zealandia in the southern hemisphere. My questions is actually a little bit misleading. The sunken continent isn’t “underneath” New Zealand. New Zealand is part of this continent. Zealandia has an area of 4.9 million km2, which makes it

#461 Why is there a sunken continent underneath New Zealand? Read More »