
#861 What was the Great Stink?

What was the Great Stink? It happened in Central London during June and August 1858, when the smell of the River Thames was unbearable. The city of London grew up at the point where the River Thames was narrow enough to bridge. There was a ford across the river before the first bridge was ever

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#859 Maurice Hilleman – microbiologist specializing in vaccinology.

During his career, Maurice Hilleman developed over 40 vaccinations. It is thought that his vaccinations save over 8 million lives every year. However, he was not interested in making a name for himself, only that his vaccines helped people. For this reason, despite having received his vaccines, very few people have ever heard of him.

#859 Maurice Hilleman – microbiologist specializing in vaccinology. Read More »

#846 Christiaan Huygens – inventor of the pendulum clock and the balance spring.

Christiaan Huygens was a mathematician, physicist, engineer, astronomer, and inventor. He was responsible for many discoveries during his lifetime. He discovered a new way to make more accurate telescope lenses by grinding and polishing them differently, and he used those lenses to find the first moon of Saturn, Titan, and to observe the true shape

#846 Christiaan Huygens – inventor of the pendulum clock and the balance spring. Read More »

#823 What is a Luddite?

What is a Luddite? A Luddite is someone who is against new technology, but Luddites were a group of people who followed Ned Ludd, a person who was probably made up to support their cause. These days, we refer to anyone who is against new forms of technology or even new ways of doing things

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#820 What are druids?

What are druids? Druids were members of a priestly class in ancient Celtic cultures. There is not a lot of evidence for druids because they don’t come from a people with a written culture. Most of the records about them were written down by the Roman invaders Gaul and Britain. The Romans suppressed the local

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