
#807 Who were Smith and Wesson?

Who were Smith and Wesson? They were both inventors, gunsmiths, and businessmen. They obviously formed the Smith & Wesson firearms company. The Smith & Wesson company was formed in 1852. The original company was sold to a man called Oliver Winchester, and it became the Winchester company that still exists today. Smith & Wesson was […]

#807 Who were Smith and Wesson? Read More »

#784 How did a pterodactyl fly?

How did a pterodactyl fly? By jumping 2.5 meters into the air and then flapping. These days, we use pterodactyl to refer to any of the flying dinosaurs that looked similar, but pterodactyl is only one species. The family is called pterosaur. In Greek, “pteron” means winged and “sauros” means lizard. Pterodactyl comes from “pteron”

#784 How did a pterodactyl fly? Read More »

#779 Why was the First World War fought in trenches but the Second World War wasn’t?

Why was the First World War fought in trenches but the Second World War wasn’t? Amongst many other reasons, because in World War 1, the armies were faced with weapon technology that had advanced too far, but they didn’t have the other necessary technology to counter that. World War 1 started on 28th July, 1914

#779 Why was the First World War fought in trenches but the Second World War wasn’t? Read More »

#778 How was a mummy made?

How was a mummy made? Along with many other steps, a mummy was made by emptying the body, preserving and drying it, and then carefully wrapping it.  The mummies from Egypt are probably the most famous, but they were not the only people to make them. The Incans, some aboriginal Australian tribes, the Aztecs, some

#778 How was a mummy made? Read More »