
#762 When were AD and BC decided?

When were AD and BC decided? AD probably started in AD 525 and BC probably started in AD 731. All of these are “probably” because there is no concrete evidence. AD is an abbreviation for anno Domini Nostri Jesu Christi, and means “in the year of our Lord Jesus Christ”. BC stands for Before Christ.

#762 When were AD and BC decided? Read More »

#739 What is a codex?

What is a codex? A codex is a collection of ancient manuscripts in book form. The term originally just meant a book, but today we use it only to refer to books of ancient manuscripts. The word codex comes from the Latin “caudex”, which means “block of wood” or “book”.  The codex marks the point

#739 What is a codex? Read More »

#738 Where did Freemasons come from?

Where did Freemasons come from? They are people who belong to an organization that has its origins in the local guilds of stonemasons that started in the 14th century. The Freemasons are a mysterious fraternity that includes some of the most powerful people in industry and governments. They have secret rituals, passwords, and rules that

#738 Where did Freemasons come from? Read More »