
#232 Who was Zapruder?

I learned this today. Abraham Zapruder was a Russian born American clothing manufacturer who happened to be in the right place at the right time to film the John F Kennedy assassination. He was born in Kovel in 1905. It was a city that is now in Ukraine but was in the Russian Empire back […]

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#226 When did bankruptcy laws start?

      I learned this today. Different countries have different laws, but the first bankruptcy laws were created in 1542 in England.      The word “bankruptcy” comes from the Italian banca rotta, which means “broken bench”. The story is that bankers used to do their business over a bench. If a banker defaulted on a loan

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#223 What did the Magna Carta do?

I learned this today. The Magna Carta promised the protection of church rights and the protection of the barons from King John and eventually became the basis for English common law. By extent, its concepts are also the basis for some American and Canadian laws as well. It was the first time the idea that

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#205 When was the first stamp?

I learned this today. The first postage stamp was issued by the post office in Britain on May 1st, 1840. Like most inventions, the postage stamp was invented to solve a problem. That problem was that post in Britain was paid for by the recipient and not the sender. Before the invention of the stamp,

#205 When was the first stamp? Read More »