
#96 When was the first dentist?

I learned this today. There is evidence of a dentist from 12,000 BC. Before humans took up agriculture, possibly about 12,000 years ago, we were hunter-gatherers and we had less tooth decay than when we became farmers. Researchers were able to extract dental plaque from the teeth of 34 prehistoric European skeletons. Dental plaque is

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#88 Why is Venice where it is?

I learned this today. Venice was built on 118 small islands in a marshy lagoon because the people from local Roman cities were fleeing waves of Germanic and Hun invasions. The city of Venice was founded at noon on Friday 25th March, 421 AD with the dedication of the first church. Construction started possibly five

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#85 When did people start using money?

The first ever money was the Mesopotamian shekel, used about 5,000 years ago. Before we had money, people used the bartering system. Bartering probably started when hunter-gatherers began to form larger groups. When hunter-gatherers were in small groups, they could service all of their own needs. They only needed food, clothing, and shelter. Once the

#85 When did people start using money? Read More »

#84 Why is London where it is?

I learned this today. London was built where it is because it is the closest point to the sea that could be bridged. There may have been a small settlement where London is from prehistoric times, but there is no real evidence for that. There is, however, evidence of a bridge crossing the river Thames

#84 Why is London where it is? Read More »