
#1154 Where did 0 come from?

Where did 0 come from? The concept of the modern zero was invented in India, but the idea of a placeholder for numbers was thought up by the Mesopotamians. We take the idea of the number 0 for granted. We use it regularly throughout the day (probably) and many of the things we use would […]

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#1153 Was the transition from silent movies to talkies difficult?

Was the transition from silent movies to talkies difficult? Yes, the transition from silent movies to talkies was difficult, not just technologically, but also for the actors. Movies began to appear alongside the invention of photography. Early photographs took hours to take, but once it became possible to take photographs instantly, movies were the next

#1153 Was the transition from silent movies to talkies difficult? Read More »

#1152 Was the Trojan Horse real?

Was the Trojan Horse real? The Trojan Horse was either made up by Virgil in the Aeneid, was actually some kind of siege engine, or was a boat usually used for giving tribute. We all know the story of the Trojan Horse. During the Trojan War, in approximately the 13th century BC, Greek warriors were

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#1149 What is pirate radio?

What is pirate radio? A pirate radio station is a radio station that broadcasts a signal in an area controlled by a government without having a license from that government. Pirate radio stations began in the 1940s, but they probably hit their peak in the 1960s. They brought music and attitudes to the multitudes that

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#1143 Why do Oxford and Cambridge Universities have so many colleges?

Why do Oxford and Cambridge Universities have so many colleges? Mostly for historical reasons, but it also makes it easier for the students to learn, live, and socialize. Oxford University and Cambridge University have 75 colleges between them. 44 at Oxford and 31 at Cambridge. When someone applies to either university, they have to apply

#1143 Why do Oxford and Cambridge Universities have so many colleges? Read More »

#1142 Who was Typhoid Mary?

Who was Typhoid Mary? She was a chef in the late 19th and early 20th centuries who was a carrier of typhoid and responsible for the deaths of several people. Someone who spreads diseases is often referred to as a “Typhoid Mary”, but many people probably don’t realize that Typhoid Mary was actually a real

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