
#1186 Why do people hoard?

Why do people hoard? There is no one reason why someone becomes a hoarder and sometimes the reasons are not known at all. Let’s take a look at a few of the reasons that could apply to a hoarder. As with most things, there are different levels of hoarding. Somebody who keeps more than they […]

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#1165 Why do people procrastinate?

Why do people procrastinate? The majority of people that procrastinate do so because they are trying to avoid the negative emotions that come with whatever task it is they are trying to do. The word “procrastinate” came into English via French, from Latin. The latin word was “procrastinare”.  In Latin, “pro” means “forward” and “crastinus”

#1165 Why do people procrastinate? Read More »

#1161 Does the placebo effect work?

Does the placebo effect work? The placebo effect works for things that are directly affected by the brain, but not for actual illnesses. Nobody understands exactly the mechanism behind the placebo effect, but there are some pretty good theories. The word “placebo” comes from Latin, and its origins give a clue to what it does.

#1161 Does the placebo effect work? Read More »

#1155 How does a lie detector work?

How does a lie detector work? Lie detectors work by recording breathing rate, pulse, blood pressure, muscular activity, and perspiration to look for any changes. They are not admissible in court because they don’t always work. The modern lie detector (polygraph) was created in 1945, but there were many steps along the way. The first

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#857 What is survivorship bias?

What is survivorship bias? It is when researchers focus on the individuals that have passed a selection process, while forgetting those that have not. It is an error in logic. Survivorship bias doesn’t have to be about people who have survived, it can reference people or things that have survived a selection process. There are

#857 What is survivorship bias? Read More »