
#1161 Does the placebo effect work?

Does the placebo effect work? The placebo effect works for things that are directly affected by the brain, but not for actual illnesses. Nobody understands exactly the mechanism behind the placebo effect, but there are some pretty good theories. The word “placebo” comes from Latin, and its origins give a clue to what it does.

#1161 Does the placebo effect work? Read More »

#1079 What is the difference between volts, amps, ohms, and watts?

What is the difference between volts, amps, ohms, and watts? Volts measure the difference in electrical force between two points. Amps measure the flow of electricity. Ohms measure the resistance of the material. Watts measure electrical power. The volt is named after Alessandro Volta, who built the first electric battery. Volta lived from 1745 to

#1079 What is the difference between volts, amps, ohms, and watts? Read More »

#1074 What causes acid rain?

What causes acid rain? Acid rain happens when water molecules in the atmosphere encounter sulfur dioxide or nitrogen oxide. Acid rain was a big problem in the USA and European countries during the 1980s and 1990s, but we don’t hear so much about it anymore. Has the problem been solved, or has it just shifted

#1074 What causes acid rain? Read More »