
#422 What causes quicksand?

What causes quicksand? It forms in saturated loose sand when the sand is suddenly agitated. Quicksand is an example of a non-Newtonian fluid. That means it is a liquid, but has the properties of a solid when the pressure applied to it changes. A Newtonian fluid is a liquid such as water that flows exactly […]

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#420 What is in toothpaste?

What is in toothpaste? It usually has fluoride, abrasives, flavors, humectants, and detergents. So, what do all of these things do? Fluoride is a naturally occurring mineral. It can be found in most places on Earth, and it is also present in our bodies. Our bodies use it to strengthen our bones and teeth. Fluoride

#420 What is in toothpaste? Read More »

#418 How does a laser work?

Photo by Pixabay: How does a laser work? By focusing light into a narrow beam. LASER is actually an acronym, and it stands for Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. They have been around since the 1960s when the first laser was built by Theodore H Maiman, although the theory behind them goes

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#415 How does a Geiger counter work?

How does a Geiger counter work? By using radiation to create an electrical signal. There are four types of radiation and they all have different mass and energy. The types are alpha, beta, neutrons, and electromagnetic waves. Alpha particles are the heaviest. They have two protons and two neutrons. They are made by many of

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#410 How do sparklers work?

How do sparklers work? They burn a combination of metal particles that combust in different colors. Sparklers are coated in a mixture of metal powders and a type of sugar called dextrin. They also contain nitrates and sulfur or charcoal. Each of these ingredients has a different purpose. You must have held a sparkler at

#410 How do sparklers work? Read More »

#407 How do scales work?

How do scales work? There are four different types of scales and they work in different ways. They are balances, steelyard balances, spring scales, and digital scales. Balance scales are the easiest to explain and they were the first scales used to measure the weights of objects. The first balance scales were used in the

#407 How do scales work? Read More »