
#377 What is a Scramjet?

What is a Scramjet? It is an air breathing jet engine that works at supersonic speeds. Right. There are three questions we need to unpack here. How does a jet engine work? How does a ramjet engine work? How does a scramjet engine work? A jet engine has fan turbines at the front of it […]

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#376 How can paints be different colors?

How can paints be different colors? To make different colored paints, you need to add different materials for color pigments because different particles reflect different wavelengths of light. Our eyes pick up reflected light using photoreceptors that are sensitive to different wavelengths. These then travel to our brain, which associates them with a color. For

#376 How can paints be different colors? Read More »

#372 How does a smoke detector work?

How does a smoke detector work? There are two different types of smoke detectors, and they respond to different types of fires. There are photoelectric smoke detectors that respond to smoke from smoldering fires and there are ionization smoke detectors that respond to smoke from flaming fires. Photoelectric smoke detectors have a chamber that has

#372 How does a smoke detector work? Read More »

#352 How do reflexes work?

How do reflexes work? They work by using a reflex arc that bypasses the brain. There are many different types of reflex, but they are generally meant to protect us and to allow us to move around without having to think about everything. Our brains have a limited amount of processing space and if we

#352 How do reflexes work? Read More »

#351 What is the Doppler effect?

What is the Doppler effect? The Doppler effect is the change in frequency of a wave in relation to an observer who is moving relative to the wave source. All energy travels in waves. Some waves, such as sound waves, have to have a medium to travel through and some waves, such as light waves,

#351 What is the Doppler effect? Read More »