
#341 How does a parachute work?

How does a parachute work? A parachute works because of air resistance. If you jump out of an airplane, presuming you are high enough, you are going to accelerate until you reach terminal velocity. Terminal velocity is the maximum speed an object can attain when falling through a fluid. And here is the point that […]

#341 How does a parachute work? Read More »

#337 Why is PM 2.5 dangerous?

Why is PM 2.5 dangerous? They are particles that are too small for our nose to catch. PM stands for Particle Matter and they are microscopic solid or liquid particles that are small enough and light enough to be suspended in the air. There are many sources of these particles. In some countries, one of

#337 Why is PM 2.5 dangerous? Read More »

#333 How do fossils form?

How do fossils form? They form when the bones of an animal are turned to mineral. A fossil forms when an animal dies in water or falls into water. This water is more commonly an ocean or a lake because for a fossil to form, the sediment at the bottom of the water has to

#333 How do fossils form? Read More »