
#218 How deep can a submarine go?

     I learned this today. The Trieste, a Swiss and Italian submarine reached a depth of 10,911m. This is the deepest point on Earth and is the Challenger Deep of the Mariana Trench.      Different submarines can reach different depths, depending on what they are needed for. A submarine that is built to go deep

#218 How deep can a submarine go? Read More »

#216 What is antimatter?

     I learned this today. Antimatter is matter made up of antiparticles. An antiparticle and a particle have the same mass but opposite electrical charges.      A proton, for example, contains three quarks (2 up and 1 down), has a positive charge, and weighs 0.00000000000167262192 picograms. (A picogram is 100 billionth of a gram.)  An

#216 What is antimatter? Read More »

#214 What is a quark?

     I learned this today. Quarks are elementary particles that make up the fundamental constituents of matter.      Everything that has matter in the universe is made up of atoms. The screen you are reading this on is made of glass (probably), which is basically silica. Silica has one silicon atom with bonds to four

#214 What is a quark? Read More »

#213 What is the language gene, FOXP2?

       I learned this today. FOXP2 is known as the language gene.        FOXP2 stands for Forkhead box protein P2. Forkhead box proteins bind to a specific DNA sequence to control the rate of information. They are important for cell growth, proliferation, differentiation, and longevity. They, and all of the forkhead box proteins, have a

#213 What is the language gene, FOXP2? Read More »

#212 What is a Higgs boson?

       I learned this today. The Higgs boson is an elementary particle associated with the Higgs field. The Higgs field is an energy field that transmits mass to the things that move through it.        A boson is a particle that carries a force and energy. Bosons are at the route of the fundamental forces,

#212 What is a Higgs boson? Read More »

#209 How do statins work?

I learned this today. Statins work by blocking a substance that our bodies need to make cholesterol. What is cholesterol? Cholesterol is a waxy, whitish-yellow fatty substance that our bodies use to build cells, make vitamin D, and make hormones, and fat dissolving acids. It is an essential part of our bodies. A 68 kg,

#209 How do statins work? Read More »