
#945 Is cocaine natural?

Is cocaine natural? The main ingredient in cocaine comes from a natural plant, but it needs to be processed. Cocaine is a stimulant taken from the leaves of the coca plant. The Coca plant grows in South America, on the lower slopes of the Andes. Because it is such a valuable crop, cultivation has spread […]

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#931 How does anthrax kill?

How does anthrax kill? Anthrax is an infection caused by a bacterium called Bacillus anthracis. Because it is a bacterial infection, it can be treated with antibiotics if it is discovered soon enough. We may have heard about anthrax from the news, but it is a naturally occurring bacteria that has been around for a

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#910 What is a metal?

What is a metal? A metal is any material that readily loses its outer shell electrons, can be polished to be highly reflective of light, is opaque, conducts heat, conducts electricity, is ductile, and malleable. The bond between the atoms in the molecules cause all of these properties and are what makes a material a

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#859 Maurice Hilleman – microbiologist specializing in vaccinology.

During his career, Maurice Hilleman developed over 40 vaccinations. It is thought that his vaccinations save over 8 million lives every year. However, he was not interested in making a name for himself, only that his vaccines helped people. For this reason, despite having received his vaccines, very few people have ever heard of him.

#859 Maurice Hilleman – microbiologist specializing in vaccinology. Read More »

#847 What is a gluon?

What is a gluon? It is a massless subatomic particle that carries the force that binds quarks together, known as the strong force. There are four forces that affect everything in the universe. These are gravity, the electromagnetic force, the weak force, and the strong force. They are known as the four fundamental forces. Gravity

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#843 What color is the sea?

What color is the sea? It is technically blue, but that depends on the depth and what particles are in the water. The sky is blue because the blue light wavelengths are scattered by molecules in the air. This is not why the ocean is blue. Generally the sea is blue because water absorbs red

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