
#805 Why are clouds white?

Why are clouds white? Because the water particles in the clouds scatter light equally. When light comes out of the sun, it is white. That is to say, it emits all of the colors of the color spectrum. The sun emits light as radiation and it emits radiation across almost all of the electromagnetic spectrum, […]

#805 Why are clouds white? Read More »

#794 How do weight loss drugs work?

How do weight loss drugs work? They either reduce the appetite, reduce the absorption of nutrients, or increase the amount of fat that the body burns. Obesity is becoming a worldwide problem these days. It used to be only affluent countries that suffered from it, but now there are not many countries that are unaffected.

#794 How do weight loss drugs work? Read More »

#774 Why do poppies make opium?

Why do poppies make opium? Not all poppies do make opium, but the ones that do, make it to ward off pests. There are 775 different species of poppy, known as the Papaveraceae family. Most of them produce the milky latex that becomes opium in the opium poppy, but only the papaver somniferum is able

#774 Why do poppies make opium? Read More »

#770 What is truth serum?

What is truth serum? It is a drug that prevents people from censoring themselves so they reveal the truth. These drugs are usually barbiturates and there is no real proof that they work. People have searched for a drug that can help them get at the truth for thousands of years. The very first type

#770 What is truth serum? Read More »

#755 What causes turbulence?

What causes turbulence? It happens when an airplane flies through turbulent air (hence the word turbulence) and gets buffeted around. Turbulence can cause a plane to suddenly rise or fall hundreds of meters very quickly. It can also cause a lot of shaking, and it can cause some damage to the plane, but it very

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