
#509 Why do dry rooms have more static?

Why do dry rooms have more static? This is because water in the air naturally conducts electricity. What is static electricity? Every atom has positively charged protons, negatively charged electrons, and neutral neutrons. Almost all atoms have an equal number of protons and electrons, making them stable and electrically neutral. If an atom picks up

#509 Why do dry rooms have more static? Read More »

#475 How does aspirin work?

How does aspirin work? Aspirin works by stopping an enzyme called cyclooxygenase. When our tissue or organs are damaged or infected, they produce prostaglandins. These are fatty acids that act like hormones. Prostaglandins do many different jobs in the body. They are similar to hormones but they are not hormones. Hormones are produced in glands,

#475 How does aspirin work? Read More »