
#766 How thick is the atmosphere?

How thick is the atmosphere? The atmosphere is generally considered to be 10,000 km thick. Our atmosphere is made up of gas. It is 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, and one percent other gases. Those other gases are argon, carbon dioxide, helium, neon, methane, krypton, and hydrogen. There is water vapor as well, which is a

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#761 What is a nebula?

What is a nebula? It is an enormous cloud of dust and gas in space. The word nebula is a Latin word, and it means “mist or cloud”. You can see it in the root of the word nebulous. And when we say enormous, most nebula are tens to hundreds of light years across. They

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#759 What is a geosynchronous orbit?

What is a geosynchronous orbit? It is an orbit that exactly matches the rotation of the Earth. A satellite in geosynchronous orbit goes around the Earth at the same speed the Earth rotates, completing one orbit every 24 hours. From the ground, the satellite appears to be stationary. There are thousands of satellites above us

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#711 Is a force field possible?

Is a force field possible? In theory, there are several possibilities, such as warping space time, electric fields, directional lasers, a controllable plasma, a magnetic field, and others. We have all seen science fiction movies where a spaceship is protected by a forcefield that destroys enemy fire when it comes into contact. The recent movie

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