#206 Why do things taste different?

I learned this today. Different things have different tastes because the taste buds in our mouths can react to different chemicals in different ways.      There are basically five tastes. Those are sweet, salty, bitter, sour, and umami. Umami is another word for “savory” and the fact that we can taste for it was discovered

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#205 When was the first stamp?

I learned this today. The first postage stamp was issued by the post office in Britain on May 1st, 1840. Like most inventions, the postage stamp was invented to solve a problem. That problem was that post in Britain was paid for by the recipient and not the sender. Before the invention of the stamp,

#205 When was the first stamp? Read More »

#203 How does a pacemaker work?

I learned this today. A pacemaker works by using electrical stimulation to make the heart muscles contract and the heart pump blood. A pacemaker is used to alter the rhythm of a heart. It is usually implanted to help with a slow or an irregular heartbeat. There are many reasons why a heartbeat could become

#203 How does a pacemaker work? Read More »

#200 Why are plants green?

I learned this today. Plants are green because they absorb light in the wavelengths that are red and blue, while reflecting light in the wavelength that is green. Plants create energy through the process of photosynthesis. They convert light energy into chemical energy. Living organisms that convert light into energy are called autotrophs (photoautotrophs to

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