#167 Is Antarctica a desert?

I learned this today. Antarctica is a polar desert because it has less than 250mm a year of precipitation, which is the set amount to be classified as a desert. However, it is classified as an ice cap climate because it isn’t hot enough to be called a desert. Deserts can be classified using the […]

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#163 Why did the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand start World War 1?

I learned this today. The assassination of the Archduke Franz Ferdinand on 28th June 1914 started World War 1 because of a series of treaties that existed across Europe. It should be noted that the assassination didn’t cause the war. Because of the rising tensions in Europe, war was probably going to happen at some

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#161 What is a nut?

I learned this today. A nut is a hard-shelled pod that contains the fruit and a seed. The difference between a nut and a seed is the hard outer shell. A seed is an embryonic plant. It contains protein, vitamin B, minerals, fat, and dietary fiber. These are all of the things that the seed

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#160 What is West Point?

I learned this today. West Point is the United States Military Academy. It used to be a fort and is now the most famous military academy for officer training in America. There are 5 American service academies and West Point is the oldest. The others are the US Naval Academy, the US Air Force Academy,

#160 What is West Point? Read More »

#159 How does a battery work

I learned this today. A battery works because the chemical reaction within it produces electrons. There are different kinds of batteries that use different chemicals, but the general principle is the same. A battery is an energy storing unit. The energy is stored in the form of chemical energy. A chemical reaction happens that causes

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