#46 Why was the teabag invented?

I learned this today. The teabag was a staggering invention in the world of tea drinking, but it was originally called the “tea leaf holder” and was invented to cut down on waste. Tea drinking began in China in about 2737 BC (according to legend). Teapots have been found in Chinese sites dating back to […]

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#45 Why is slime mold so awesome?

I learned this today. Slime mold is a collection of single-celled organisms that can move, function, and “think” as a single organism. Slime molds are eukaryotes: cells that have a nucleus enclosed within a nuclear envelope. They usually live as single cells, but they can join together with other cells to create a multicellular organism.

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#44 Why is Mars red?

I learned this today. Mars is red because it is basically rusty. The surface of Mars is covered in a deep layer of fine iron oxide dust. Iron oxide is caused when iron oxidizes. Iron oxide is the chemical name for rust. Iron molecules combine very easily with oxygen molecules. For iron to rust, you

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#43 How does an MRI work?

I learned this today. An MRI works by causing the protons in the hydrogen nuclei in our bodies to align with a magnetic field and then disrupts them with a radio wave. Our bodies contain about 60% water, but this figure changes depending on the organ. All of the organs in our body, our tissue,

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#40 How does GPS know where I am?

I learned this today. You need to have four satellites in view to be able to use GPS. (Global Positioning System). Currently, there are 32 satellites orbiting in the Global Positioning System. One thing I learned today is that GPS is actually an American government-owned system. It was started by the American Department of Defense

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