#22 Why was the piano invented?

I learned this today. The piano is only 300 years old and many famous composers that we know composed for the harpsichord, not the piano. The piano was invented by Bartolomeo Cristofori in about 1698. He worked for the house of Medici. He called his invention, “un cimbalo di cipresso di piano e forte,” which

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#20 Do cats blink?

I learned this today. Cats appear never to blink, but they actually blink with a third eyelid, a nictitating membrane, which is difficult for us to see. Most animals that have eyes blink. Insects with compound eyes can’t blink, and fish, snakes, ghekos, slinks, and some lizards don’t need to blink. Apart from these, blinking

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#18 Why isn’t Pluto a planet?

I learned this today. Pluto has been classified as a dwarf planet instead of a planet because it only meets two out the of the three criteria required of a planet. The International Astronomical Union came up with the definition of a planet in August 2006. They said that an object is a planet if:

#18 Why isn’t Pluto a planet? Read More »

#17 What happens when animals hibernate? Is it the same as sleeping?

I learned this today. Hibernation is not the same as sleeping. Animals sometimes have to come out of hibernation to be able to sleep. Hibernation is basically an energy-saving technique. During the winter, the temperature obviously drops, which means that endothermic animals (animals that generate their own heat internally) need more energy to keep themselves

#17 What happens when animals hibernate? Is it the same as sleeping? Read More »

#16 Where do the plus, minus, multiplication, and division symbols come from?

I learned this today. The mathematical symbols + plus, – minus, x multiply, ÷ divide, and = equal are not as old as we think. Mathematics itself goes back a very long way. The idea of counting began with hunter-gatherer tribes. Presumably, they would have known how to talk about adding and subtracting parts of

#16 Where do the plus, minus, multiplication, and division symbols come from? Read More »

#15 How is food canned?

I learned this today. Canning preserves food by killing all of the bacteria present through heat and then keeping the food in a bacteria-free, airtight can. For food to rot, bacteria need water, oxygen, a neutral pH level, and a warm temperature. The different ways of preserving food each deal with one of these. Freezing

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