
#297 Why do ant bites hurt?

Why do ant bites hurt? Ants both bite and sting. They drip formic acid onto your skin and some ants inject venom. Not all ants bite. There are estimated to be 22,000 different species of ant and they are on pretty much every landmass except for Antarctica. It is estimated that ants make up between

#297 Why do ant bites hurt? Read More »

#294 Why do we get headaches?

Why do we get headaches? There are many theories, but nobody actually knows. There are 200 different types of headaches, but they are divided up into primary and secondary headaches. Primary headaches are headaches that aren’t caused by a disease or damage to the brain. Secondary headaches are caused by a disease or damage to

#294 Why do we get headaches? Read More »

#292 What makes us itch?

What makes us itch? Itching is caused by the release of the chemical histamine. There are different types of itch. Almost all animals have an itch and scratch response. Bears scratch themselves on trees and dolphins scratch themselves on rocks, or at the bottom of their tank if they are in captivity.  It is an

#292 What makes us itch? Read More »